This week, you get to submit your full, 15-slide PowerPoint presentation in the Project Discussion Area. You have been working on a 15-slide PowerPoint presentation on a topic. In Week 2, you presented five slides and in Week 3, you presented ten slides of the presentation.This week, you must include the remaining five slides of the presentation and post the final version with all 15 slides into the Discussion Area. Retain a copy of your project for use in capstone courses and your portfolio.By posting your PowerPoint on the discussion thread, all students in the class can learn and benefit from each other’s presentations. Please make comments and ask questions to get a fuller understanding of the material presented.While preparing your paper and presentation, consider both legal and ethical aspects and conclude by offering your opinion on the subject. Be creative. You must do some research to back up your opinion. On a separate page or on the last slide, list your sources — these can include books, articles, videos, interviews and Internet resources. Use Bluebook citation format.