This allowed him to let go. When the ego has  Brainwave Shots such a hold on us…

This allowed him to let go. When the ego has  Brainwave Shots such a hold on us we don’t know when to let go and allow things to be as they may. I am not talking laziness. I am talking about relaxing into what will be. I am in no way suggesting Mr. Jobs had a big ego. Quite the contrary. I am suggesting that we as individuals hang on to things so tightly we choke ourselves from the inside out.If we get a new car and we notice our thoughts are constantly on the safety of the car, or whether someone will scratch it, it is our ego. Say you have that car stolen, you react horribly, then what You still don’t have that car. When you are stripped of that which makes you rigid and sometimes selfish, it is then you are brought back to your truth.Again, I am in no way suggesting Mr. Jobs was either selfish or rigid, simply using the comparison to having something very important to us taken away, can allow our true self to emerge once again. That is if we are big enough to see it as that and not become entangled in a web of despair and uncertainty.Being successful at anything is not necessarily easy, though it can feel effortless at times if you are holding a powerful vision. What I am finding as I work more and more with inspired and motivated entrepreneurs is that they have been cultivating the skills that can make them successful for years.However, so many entrepreneurs do not receive the support they could use from friends and family though many do and are often discouraged from stepping into the fullness of their purpose by those who mean well, as they warn about the ‘weak economy.’ You must believe in yourself, and it helps immensely to have others that do.Quitting is Not An Option If you want to succeed, you do what it takes. Quitting is not an option. You work a day job until you don’t have to. You save for years if need be, but you keep your eye on the bigger picture of what you want to bring to the world. You sell your house and invest in a mentor I did this and it is not for everyone, obviously!

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