Therapy is helpful in reducing  OptiMind Review the symptoms of Predominantly Inattentive ADHD (ADHD-PI). Some studies have…

Therapy is helpful in reducing  OptiMind Review the symptoms of Predominantly Inattentive ADHD (ADHD-PI). Some studies have shown that Inattentive ADHD symptoms without concurring disruptive symptoms such as impulsiveness or oppositional defiance respond as well to cognitive or behavioral therapy as they do to stimulant therapy. One very recent study of Adults trained in metacognitive skills demonstrated a great improvement in inattention in study participants.Cognitive therapy is often lumped into a category called Cognitive-Behavioral therapy but Metacognitive therapy is not the same as Cognitive Behavioral therapy. The Cognitive-Behavioral therapist addresses the behavior and tends to take a nuts and bolts approach to achieving symptom control. The Cognitive-Behavioral therapist helps with setting goals, prioritizing goals, minimizing barriers to completing the goals, and developing a practical strategy for accomplishing the goal. The metacognitive therapist trains the bigger picture thought processes regarding time management, planning, and organizing.We may quibble over whether these two things are exactly the same but I would argue that the Behavioral-Cognitive therapist gives you real life coaching whereas the Metacognitive therapist gives you more ‘change your thinking’ based training. Both modalities work but I particularly like the metacognitive approach as it works in conjunction with a strength that most of us with Predominantly Inattentive ADHD already have.The researchers in the metacognition training study spent 2 hours a week with ADHD adults teaching them new ways to think about time management, planning, and organization. The adults completed home exercises to reinforce their new learning. At the end of 12 weeks the study group had a 30% reduction in inattention scores when compared to the control group that received supportive therapy only. None of the adults in this recent study received medication.

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