The third step is simply finding the best parts of you to bring out. It’s discovering the…

The third step is simply finding the best parts of you to bring out. It’s discovering the areas in which you want to develop and grow into the best you. It can be ‘finding diamonds in the rough’.The last step is just being the Best Essential You. Sometimes it’s not as simple as it sounds. Being is actually harder than doing. So this is literally a stand you have to take. It has to be a fundamental choice and life position. It’s like believing, ‘I am a good person.’ You want to decide, ‘I’m going to be the Best Essential Me.’Rebel Holiday has 25 years experience establishing and developing companies. At age 22 she started her first company on the proverbial shoestring and built it into a successful business in just a couple years. Her company offered courses for personal and professional wellness. Now Ms. Holiday has presented to hundreds of diverse audiences in corporations and associations internationally, traveling to 43 countries. She assisted over 200 entrepreneurial companies launch in the Washington D.C. Metro area. Ms. Holiday has worked with thousands of individuals in designing their lives. She’s taugh classes at American University, Georgetown University, Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) and University of Maryland. She now works with leaders in the US and internationally.

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