The answer is in the way that Becoming Limitless we follow on from that very situation in our lives. I will openly admit that I had a situation come up where I was quite disappointed at first, and was in that place where I could have allowed it to take over my whole day or even days, where the feelings of anger and a need for justice rise to the surface. Fortunately, I made the decision to alter the situation for the better, there and then, by deciding to not allow any further feelings to be expended on the situation, and effectively chose to cease providing energy to the situation. By consciously deciding not to allow the actions of someone else to alter your day or feelings, you are taking control, and managing the direction of your thoughts and feelings. Can a comment be hurtful, or disappointing to hear Certainly. Can you decide not to allow a negative action around you to affect you Certainly too. Remember, you have the right, and complete control, with practice, to decide to not allow anyone to affect you negatively. I know it takes practice, but it is this ability to shrug off the unimportant, and focus on the desired outcomes of your actions, that you control the alignment of your feelings and results tend to reflect in outcomes you prefer to have. Alignment is about going with the flow of daily life. Please do not mistake my point for not having any direction, but rather, move in your general direction, allowing for the twists and turns of life. These can often be very surprising, in a very good way. Having the ability to brush off incidents that are unimportant, and move forward as per your goals, is my view on remaining in alignment and moving forward amongst the movements of daily life.Massively in debt, 80 lbs overweight, diagnosed with multiple health problems & wanting to die. I had suffered horrific trauma as a child & the pain culminated with a gang rape at 19.What was the crisis you faced What happened, and when it did, what did you feel and experience We were losing our home, my marriage was in shambles, the doctors didn’t know if I’d survive & I was screaming at God riding down a road telling Him I would help Him end my life if he made me continue to suffer like this. My thoughts were ALL negative, defeat & death.