TENS is also a drug free approach to Erase My Back Pain Review pain relief which allows people with certain allergies, or who are against using pain medication to use a pain management treatment that they can live with. In order to get your hands on a TENS unit you must first visit your doctor and tell them about your pain issues and find out if using a TENS unit is a viable option. Your physician will make sure you are applicable for the device and once you get approved you can anchor the unit to your body and stimulate the electrodes that are causing you pain. Relief is provided in much the same way that acupuncture provides relief.By stimulating the damaged areas where the pain is occurring, you can experience relief in less than thirty minutes. It is important to understand that the delay is necessary because of the way the TENS system works so it’s important that you don’t get disheartened because it doesn’t kick in right away. While it might take a while to get the full effect of the system it is also one of the longest lasting ways to get pain relief.https://nomorescamreviews.com/erase-my-back-pain-review/