Submit the first 5-page paper on a topic of your choice. The paper should be 12 pt. font, 1” margins, MLA style.This paper will analyze a humorous, ancient text or texts, focusing on a theme (avarice, discontent, envy, friendship, etc.). The text or texts you use can be outside of the readings in this class but should be Ancient Greek or Roman. Maybe you want to read another play by Aristophanes or if you want a smaller reading, read ahead to the satires that start at the end of this week. Horace has a lot of good themes you could discuss.The student will set the theme in its cultural context and genre, and discuss how the author presents this theme. Include in your discussion whether this theme is universal or culture specific. Plagiarism: Before you submit your paper, please read pp. 30-34 concerning Plagiarism in the PDF in this module entitled, ‘The Culture of Scholarship.’ Follow the guidelines provided in the rubric. Submit in Word document format.Here are some ideas for paper topics over the readings thus far in this class:CNE 230 Paper #1 suggestionsFriendship in Horace’s SatiresContentment in ‘ ‘ The Good Life in ‘ ‘ Fertility (crops, sex, wine) in The AcharniansThe profiteers of war in PeaceThose most hurt by war in The Acharnians and PeacePower/self-determination in The WaspsCorruption in The BirdsThe ideal society in The BirdsVictims of War (mothers, wives, unmarried women) in LysistrataStereotypes of men and/or women in LysistrataFeatures of a truly equal society in Ecclesiazousai (The Women of the Assembly)Follow the guidelines provided in the rubric. Submit in Word document format.