SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIALINTERACTIONYou’ve learned how important groups, roles, statuses, and socialnetworks are in the structure of society. In this assignment, you willcomplete a short answer activity in which you’ll demonstrate whatyou’ve learned by identifying and describing examples from yourown life. Use the Assignment 2 template to complete thisassignmentYOUR STATUS SET, ROLES, AND ROLE PROBLEMS1) Status Set:a) List five statuses that you currently have.• Remember: A status is simply a position youfill in society. It may be a job title, but it couldalso include a position you fill within a familyor a community. b) Label each status as either ascribed, achieved, ormaster.• Remember: An ascribed status is one you’reborn with and have no control over. Anachieved status is reached through your ownefforts or simply good or bad luck. A masterstatus is so important that it overrides yourother statuses. 2) Roles:a) Choose one status from your list.b) Describe the role that is associated with thestatus.c) Describe how you learned that role.• Remember: A role is the behavior expectedof someone with a certain status. For moreinformation, review Section 4.4 in yourwebtext.3) Role Conflict:a) Describe a time when you experienced a conflict because of thedemands of two different roles associated with any of your statuses.b) How did you resolve the conflict? (Discuss anyconversation or social interactions you had.)c) List any active listening skills you used to resolvethe conflict. If you didn’t use active listeningskills, then list the skills you could have used toresolve the conflict.