Should a counselor remain value-objective about controversial issuespresented by a client (such as abortion, suicide, adultery, drug use,domestic violence, child abuse, etc.)? Some counselors might arguethat they should not express their values or criticize their clientsfor these behaviors, while others would say that expressing moraljudgment is appropriate. Consider the information above and Chapter 3 of the textbook. Writea 1,000-word paper addressing the following: 1.Analyze the ethical implications of a counselor expressingtheir values to a client. 2.Identify actions a counselormight take when confronted with clients they find difficult to treatdue to differences in values/beliefs regarding one or more of thefollowing issues: abortion, suicide, adultery, drug use, domesticviolence, child abuse 3.Some of the legislation andgovernment policies related to clinical mental healthcounseling 4.Identify factors that might lead a counselor toconsider referring a client to another counselor. 5. Describe steps a counselor should take if referral is notan option. 6.Be sure to use the ACA and NAADAC codes ofethics as guidelines when constructing your paper. 7.Includethree additional scholarly resources in your paper in addition tothe course textbook.Prepare this assignment in the APA Style