rhetorical analysis essay on ADHD using this wesite http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/facts.htmlAPA format  Layout: Essay is double-spaced with 12 pt. Times New…

rhetorical analysis essay on ADHD using this wesite http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/facts.htmlAPA format  Layout: Essay is double-spaced with 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1′ margins, heading (with name, course, date, and instructor), assignment title, and page numbers using appropriate header function.      Essay is logically   organized to lead readers to understanding content. Introduction explains   subject and engages readers. Thesis statement is placed appropriately for a   rhetorical analysis. Well-ordered paragraphs are developed around topic   sentences, and advance essay’s ideas. Conclusion provides strong, satisfying   ending, not a mere summary of the essay. all citations and reference entries are complete and in alphabetical order; appropriate number of required sources is used.

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