Reply to below in 150 words, provide 1 reference2.Name at least two legislations to prevent monopolization of…

Reply to below in 150 words, provide 1 reference2.Name at least two legislations to prevent monopolization of businesses. Do you believe these legislations have been helpful? Discuss.     A monopoly market structure is where only one firm prevails in the industry and antitrust laws and regulations were established to discourage monopolistic operations in order to protect consumers, prevent practices restraining trade and to ensure the market stays open and competitive. Two of the three core antitrust laws are Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Clayton Act that are still in effect today. The Federal Trade Commission Act prohibits discriminatory ways of competition and deceitful practices. In addition, it can take cases under the FTC Act the activities that violates the Sherman Act however, only the FTC can bring cases that falls under the FTC Act. Practices that are not clearly prohibited by Sherman Act is covered by Clayton Act such as mergers, interlocking directorates, bans particular discriminatory prices, services, and allowances in transactions between merchants. Notifying the government of planned large acquisitions or mergers is required in advance.     The antitrust laws were written during the industrial era covering oils, railroads and sugar plantations and was deemed effective. Globalization, new technology, and major changes greatly evolved the dimension of what can fall under antitrust legislations and throughout the years, these laws were expanded, proving that it is adequately flexible allowing government to influence a wide variety of current industries.Reference:Morton, F. M. (12 Jul 2013). Is antitrust law keeping up? Retrieved from:

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