Q-1 Spoofing is a kind of data breach where hacker impersonates another device on network for stealing the confidential information, to introduce the malware on our system or to bypass access controls. Most of the times user will be not aware that there system is hacked. For example, the most recent breach which I came across in one of the article stated that the hackers entered into company’s network and started stealing the customer’s personal information but the organization is not aware of it for almost 1 month. Not only the organizations, but individuals also fall in to these types of scams. Individuals receive an email as sender from some bank or trusted firm asking their personal details or account details so that they can provide additional security to that account. Persons who are not aware of these scams will reply to that mail with all the confidential information. Once the hackers receive the mail from the individual they start accessing their information without recipients notice. It is difficult to track these email scams as the senders email address will be forged as a trusted mail address and difficult to track the IP address or DNS of that system. Spoofing is possible even through phone calls. In some cases, users won’t see any number on their phone but they get display as unknown caller ID or unknown number. The number will not be displayed even in their call log. Answer:I want 150 words explanation on this paragraph with reference, you sentence must have to start from, I like your post, I want to add some more details on your discussion.Q-2 As discussed in the article operating system is a key layer that provides support and access to various software for different users. It performs basic tasks that applications need. It manages process scheduling, power management, root access permissions, memory allocation, and all the other low-level housekeeping and operational details needed to keep a system running efficiently and securely. Being the primary software component that is embedded into the system which allows the system to become operational and controllable. It manages all the programs and applications on the computer. Being the control center of the computer, its role in the overall security of the system is of utmost importance. The security within a computer system can be divided into various layers such as maintaining the physical security of the system, the security of the information the system holds and the security of the network in which it operates. In all these areas, the operating system plays a vital role in keeping the security. Threats may occur knowingly or due to error by humans, malicious programs or persons, or existing system vulnerabilities. Authentication is one of the secured methods used by operating system to ensure that the user using a program is authorized or not. It provides authentication using several techniques such as login-passwords, key cards, etc. The Operating system has software modules that allows the user to take backups or make a copy of data and facilitate successful restoration of these backups whenever needed. These files may be stored off-site or on-site. Hence, operating system is significant when it concerns to security of different applications.Answer:I want 150 words explanation on this paragraph with reference, you sentence must have to start from, I like your post, I want to add some more details on your discussion.