PHE4055-Cost Comparison Analysis *4pgs-Include References* NO plagiarism NO copy paste *Stay on topic*Answer all questions*Economic issues are…

PHE4055-Cost Comparison Analysis *4pgs-Include References* NO plagiarism NO copy paste *Stay on topic*Answer all questions*Economic issues are always to be considered during the process of program planning and evaluation. Economic evaluations are analyses that center on the cost of a program and the relationship of the cost to the outcome or impact of the program.A cost comparison analysis compares the costs of at least two programs. CEA, CBA, and CUA are examples of cost comparison analyses.Create a report in a 4-page Microsoft Word document that includes the following:· An analysis and explanation of the pros and cons of a CEA. Describe how health program planners would use a CEA to assist them in making decisions about their programs.· An analysis and explanation of the pros and cons of a CBA. Describe how health program planners would use a CBA to assist them in making decisions about their programs.· An analysis and explanation of the pros and cons of a CUA. Describe how health program planners would use a CUA to assist them in making decisions about their programs.· Select two public health programs that you would like to compare by means of an economic evaluation. Analyze, identify, and describe the type of economic analysis that you would use in the evaluation.PART 2 Project-Implementing a Public Health Program*5pgs*- Include References* NO plagiarism NO copy paste *Stay on topic*Answer all questions*Research about the ten leading causes of death in the United States. List all the diseases and select one disease. Research further on your selected disease. Based on research, create a 5page Microsoft Word document that includes:· A proposal for a public health program to address that disease within your community.·  An outline of the steps you will undertake to evaluate the program you have proposed.·  An evaluation design for your program.·  An identification and collection of data to evaluate your program.·  An explanation of the method determined for collecting the data.·  Conclusions from the data and justification of those conclusions.·  Recommendations for improvements to your program and a plan to communicate those recommendations.

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