Now that you have written about the state of the economy in your Module 02 paper, you…

Now that you have written about the state of the economy in your Module 02 paper, you will now conduct research into how fiscal policy was used during the same three time periods we are examining from the history of the United States: The Great Depression years of 1929 to 1933 The 1970s Stagflation from 1973 to 1982  The recent recession that occurred in the years 2008 to 2010After gathering your research data, you will write a paper 4 to 6 pages in length (not counting the title page). Your paper should include the following: On your first page, after a brief introduction, you should define several key concepts that will be the subject of your research in this paper:  Fiscal Policy The Multiplier Automatic Stabilizers Full Employment In addition, provide examples of how each of these concepts is used with relation to actual economic conditions. The body of your paper should focus on each of the three events one at a time identifying the fiscal policy that was implemented during each of the events. Keep in mind that when covering a period of years, you may not see the same use of taxing and spending each year, however, looking across the period of years you should see a clearer overall pattern in the taxing and spending actions of the government, allowing you to offer an analysis of the direction and economic changes during that event. You should use your research to go beyond simple statements of “the government spent more” or “taxes went up” and look at how money was spent, or in some cases maybe what was cut out of the budget and which taxes were changed. Using the circular flow diagram as a guideline, think about who was impacted and how were they impacted. Finally, at the end provide a brief summary of how fiscal policy was used during each event, along with a look at what happened to the Federal Government’s debt and deficit.

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