Now, people will wonder why they should even both with all that when they have been told to just do a bunch of sit ups and you should flatten your stomach in no time, and come out with a ripped six pack. Well, for starters, sit ups tone your muscles, they do not burn away your fat. Fat is not taken away from just ONE piece of your body, it is take out from everywhere all at once.So, use 1 of those 2 methods, and you should see a flatter stomach in no time at all. Just remember, this takes dedication and will power on your part. After awhile these things will become a natural part of your routine for the rest of your life, keeping you in shape, and with a flat stomach for life.Most people who have weight problems do not want to let everyone know they are on a diet regimen. It would be best if they kept it a secret and after a few months, people would actually notice their transformation. With dieting drinks and patches, you don’t have to carry bottles which contain weight control pills. By simply sticking the patch on your body or carrying a slimming drink with a lidded cup, you can have a convenient and silent way of slimming down!