InstructionsPrepare a visual presentation to be used to introduce employees to the differences between management and leadership.Â…

InstructionsPrepare a visual presentation to be used to introduce employees to the differences between management and leadership.  Use charts and visuals to add interest for the audience. Imagine the slides will be projected on a screen for ease of readability. Be sure to include the following categories: Title slide Introduction Management definition and competencies Leadership definition and competencies Outline your personal leadership style and pros/cons Similarities of management and leadership Differences of management and leadership   ConclusionSupport your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. Other non-peer reviewed journal articles may be included in addition to the minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.Length: Minimum of 9-12 slides with speaker notes (not including title and reference pages).Notes length: At least five bullets for each slide, supported by a minimum of 150 words for speaker notes per slide.Your slide presentation should demonstrate thoughtful synthesis of the concepts presented in this course by providing new insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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