InstructionsIn August, 2016, one small West Virginia city dealt with 27 heroin  overdoses in just a four-hour…

InstructionsIn August, 2016, one small West Virginia city dealt with 27 heroin  overdoses in just a four-hour span. Earlier in 2016, the Buffalo, New  York area saw 23 fatal overdoses in eleven days. Although these  particular examples took place in 2016, similar occurrences can  unfortunately be found in other times and locations.Review the following reports:Report 1Report 2Prepare a report in Microsoft Word that covers the following points: Conduct an analysis of the opiate addiction problem. Be sure to  include a look at how users become introduced to opiates and opioids in  the first place. Describe the factors that contribute to these problems. Incorporate the theories from earlier in the course where appropriate. Propose specific recommendations for resolving the problems. Analyze  whether this issue should be approached as a law enforcement or a  healthcare issue. Identify expected changes that will occur in the community’s  perception of the criminal justice system when these policies are  instituted.Make certain that you support your analysis with proper reasoning.Submit your analysis in a Microsoft Word document 5 pages

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