
Week One Discussion Board Thread Instructions:Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts:After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible…

Week One Discussion Board Thread Instructions:Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts:After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 1-5), identify the following items:Squares: 4 ideas that, in general, square (fit) with your thinking.Triangles: 3 angles you have never considered before.Circles: 2 questions that are circling in your mind.Hearts: 1 idea that you loved.Once you […]

Week One Discussion Board Thread Instructions:Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts:After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible… Read More »

Address the following questions after read the two articles: (no more than one page for each)1. What…

Address the following questions after read the two articles: (no more than one page for each)1. What is the author’s main argument? 2. What evidence or other persuasive techniques does the author use to support his/her main argument? 3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s approach? 4. Do you agree or disagree with the author’s

Address the following questions after read the two articles: (no more than one page for each)1. What… Read More »

Pre-Speech Assistance Chart-Speech Assistance ChartBuilding upon this week’s lectures and reading, you will complete a chart that…

Pre-Speech Assistance Chart-Speech Assistance ChartBuilding upon this week’s lectures and reading, you will complete a chart that will assist you in your upcoming speeches. The purpose of this chart is to:1.  Identity your chosen speech topic, defining both your credibility and your specific goal2.  Identify reputable and scholarly library sources to use as support for

Pre-Speech Assistance Chart-Speech Assistance ChartBuilding upon this week’s lectures and reading, you will complete a chart that… Read More »

Topic: Peer-Reviewed Publications: The Requisite Source for Reviewing LiteratureThis module/week you are required to develop an annotated…

Topic: Peer-Reviewed Publications: The Requisite Source for Reviewing LiteratureThis module/week you are required to develop an annotated bibliography of articles relevant to the research topic that you chose. As you read, note the journals in which your articles are published and discuss the following questions:What are some of the most interesting and informative publications (i.e.,

Topic: Peer-Reviewed Publications: The Requisite Source for Reviewing LiteratureThis module/week you are required to develop an annotated… Read More »

This space is reserved for us as an additional way to communicate with each other. It is…

This space is reserved for us as an additional way to communicate with each other. It is a place to post and respond to items of interest in the media related to parenting today. I will post at least 1 topic for discussion each week; the first topic is ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom’.Battle

This space is reserved for us as an additional way to communicate with each other. It is… Read More »

DUE 5/30/19 10AM Eastern Standard Time1. Conduct a basic SWOT analysis of an organization or a department…

DUE 5/30/19 10AM Eastern Standard Time1. Conduct a basic SWOT analysis of an organization or a department you belong to using this SWOT Analysis Worksheet by completing the attachment and reading the link below. Then provide an overview of the organization or your department and discuss how you see these factors affecting the direction

DUE 5/30/19 10AM Eastern Standard Time1. Conduct a basic SWOT analysis of an organization or a department… Read More »

· Read the article understanding Group Dynamics and systems then address the follow concepts. Use you own…

· Read the article understanding Group Dynamics and systems then address the follow concepts. Use you own words to explain the concepts:Linear and Circular Causality/ Systems theoryFamily dynamics and systems theoryInteraction patterns  What are they and how are they manifestedUse real life examples to illustrate the above concepts the article The BART System of Group

· Read the article understanding Group Dynamics and systems then address the follow concepts. Use you own… Read More »

Locate an example of a technical communication, such as a user’s guide, an owner’s manual, or a…

Locate an example of a technical communication, such as a user’s guide, an owner’s manual, or a document borrowed from someone who works in a technical field. Prepare a brief analysis in which you explain (1) the purpose for which the document was written, (2) the apparent readers and their needs, (3) the way in

Locate an example of a technical communication, such as a user’s guide, an owner’s manual, or a… Read More »

Prompt:Professor Zachariah Mampilly described a recent wave of protest movements across Africa. Are these protest movements a…

Prompt:Professor Zachariah Mampilly described a recent wave of protest movements across Africa. Are these protest movements a sign of ‘democracy in retreat’ or evidence of a ‘democratic deepening’? What lessons can established democracies take away from a closer study of democratic politics in Africa?The citation information for Professor Zachariah Mampilly’s article: Branch, Adam and Zachariah

Prompt:Professor Zachariah Mampilly described a recent wave of protest movements across Africa. Are these protest movements a… Read More »

This discussion has 3 parts; respond to each in your initial post. (1) If you had to…

This discussion has 3 parts; respond to each in your initial post. (1) If you had to obtain a license to parent, what would you require, and why? (2)Discuss an incident from your childhood which typifies the parenting style of your parent(s).(3)Compare/contrast that experience with how you, as a parent, might handle a similar situation

This discussion has 3 parts; respond to each in your initial post. (1) If you had to… Read More »