
Planning Your Informative SpeechAs you’re well aware, you’ll be speaking in this course. The first major speech…

Planning Your Informative SpeechAs you’re well aware, you’ll be speaking in this course. The first major speech you’ll be giving (in just a few weeks!) is an informative speech. The purpose of an informative speech is to informothers. Often, when students pick a topic, the first place they go is Google—where they pull up speech […]

Planning Your Informative SpeechAs you’re well aware, you’ll be speaking in this course. The first major speech… Read More »

As you’re well aware, you’ll be speaking in this course. The first major speech you’ll be giving…

As you’re well aware, you’ll be speaking in this course. The first major speech you’ll be giving (in just a few weeks!) is an informative speech. The purpose of an informative speech is to inform others. Often, when students pick a topic, the first place they go is Google—where they pull up speech topics that

As you’re well aware, you’ll be speaking in this course. The first major speech you’ll be giving… Read More »

Three Speech Introductions As we move closer and closer towards the major speech assignments in this course, it…

Three Speech Introductions As we move closer and closer towards the major speech assignments in this course, it is time to start thinking about how you can learn from all that you have read, observed, and learned this semester. In this week’s discussion board you will start thinking about the start of your speeches. Your task

Three Speech Introductions As we move closer and closer towards the major speech assignments in this course, it… Read More »

Sometime during the semester, you will have to attend a live performance of jazz and write a…

Sometime during the semester, you will have to attend a live performance of jazz and write a short paper about it.  Use the links below or other resources to find a jazz (or blues) concert to attend.  You cannot ‘attend’ a video of a performance.  You must go to a LIVE performance.  Then write a

Sometime during the semester, you will have to attend a live performance of jazz and write a… Read More »

In a two- to three-paragraph response with each paragraph consisting of five or more sentences, Describe…

In a two- to three-paragraph response with each paragraph consisting of five or more sentences, Describe your experiences using resources, including concerns encountered when conducting academic research through an University Library. Areas of concern may include developing a research strategy, using the search function within a database, or evaluating sources. Explain how using an University

In a two- to three-paragraph response with each paragraph consisting of five or more sentences, Describe… Read More »

On how to be come a successful General Manager in basketball and football?Annotated Bibliography InstructionsYou will prepare…

On how to be come a successful General Manager in basketball and football?Annotated Bibliography InstructionsYou will prepare and submit an annotated bibliography consisting of the 15 peer-reviewed sources that you will use in your Literature Review or Alternative Assignment 1. Your focus will be on one of the following:1. A sport or recreation management topic

On how to be come a successful General Manager in basketball and football?Annotated Bibliography InstructionsYou will prepare… Read More »

The blog need to demonstrate insight into the technologies mentioned below, and understanding of where they can…

The blog need to demonstrate insight into the technologies mentioned below, and understanding of where they can be applied, their strengths and weaknesses, issues to consider in terms of deployment and how a business case for their use could be built.  There will be 5 topics 1. Virtue Reality /Augmented Reality 2. 3D printing 3. Artificial

The blog need to demonstrate insight into the technologies mentioned below, and understanding of where they can… Read More »

Reading Reviews: This is a written engagement with the readings submitted online by 12:00 PM, EST. Thursday…

Reading Reviews: This is a written engagement with the readings submitted online by 12:00 PM, EST. Thursday May.23 2019 . Students are expected to move beyond the simple observations of a reader response in order to grapple with the texts analytically and argue for or against specific claims and evidence in 500 words or more.

Reading Reviews: This is a written engagement with the readings submitted online by 12:00 PM, EST. Thursday… Read More »

Book Review: Streams of Living Water by Richard Doster Read the assigned book and then write…

Book Review: Streams of Living Water by Richard Doster Read the assigned book and then write a book review Formatting: 750-word paper, double-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman font Paper should use  MLA format Make sure your paper has a heading with the important information: name, practicum, semester and date.The content of the book review

Book Review: Streams of Living Water by Richard Doster Read the assigned book and then write… Read More »

Select a movie with a theme associated with International Relations and demonstrate in your analysis of the…

Select a movie with a theme associated with International Relations and demonstrate in your analysis of the movie your theoretical learning and your understanding of theory building. This assignment therefore requires you to, also, apply your theoretical understanding in terms of the following: The actors in world politics, particularly nation-states and intergovernmental organizations. How Interdependencies

Select a movie with a theme associated with International Relations and demonstrate in your analysis of the… Read More »