
All of you are making a good attempt at directly addressing the material. For next week, I…

All of you are making a good attempt at directly addressing the material. For next week, I would like to see all of you work at explaining what the ideas mean to you. You are all doing a great job of pulling key concepts from the reading and then summarizing them. Now, take the next […]

All of you are making a good attempt at directly addressing the material. For next week, I… Read More »


Hello first off read this WHOLE MESSAGE DO NOT CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVENT. I AM LOOKING FOR ONE TUTOR TO STICK WITH ME FOR THE NEXT 9 MONTHS TO A YEAR- MY BUDGET WILL BE $200 A MONTH. I will be completing my discussion questions and responses i simply need you to complete my papers.


Submit the first 5-page paper on a topic of your choice. The paper should be 12 pt….

Submit the  first 5-page paper on a topic of your choice.  The paper should be 12 pt. font, 1” margins, MLA style.This paper will analyze a humorous, ancient text or texts, focusing on a theme (avarice, discontent, envy, friendship, etc.).  The text or texts you use can be outside of the readings in this class but

Submit the first 5-page paper on a topic of your choice. The paper should be 12 pt…. Read More »

This week, read closely from Seagull: Toni Morrison, “Recitatif†p. 302 and James Alan McPherson, “A Loaf…

This week, read closely from Seagull: Toni Morrison, “Recitatif” p. 302 and James Alan McPherson, “A Loaf of Bread” p. 268 and respond to the following.These stories ask the reader to acknowledge the entanglement of race and socioeconomic status, as McPherson and Morrison raise issues of personal responsibility and guilt, methods of protest against systematic

This week, read closely from Seagull: Toni Morrison, “Recitatif†p. 302 and James Alan McPherson, “A Loaf… Read More »

Thesis statement should be on page 2 of the document. A thesis statement will guide the paper,…

Thesis statement should be on page 2 of the document. A thesis statement will guide the paper, so be sure to write a thesis that states what areas you will be covering in the paper. For example, if you are going to discuss one or more themes of the novel, then those themes should be

Thesis statement should be on page 2 of the document. A thesis statement will guide the paper,… Read More »

Choose one of the following readings. Please refer to the specific elements of the category as well…

Choose one of the following readings. Please refer to the specific elements of the category as well as direct quotes and lines from the reading. You may choose more than one story if you like, but the minimum is to discuss at least one of the short story readings in detail. Name the work and

Choose one of the following readings. Please refer to the specific elements of the category as well… Read More »

The name of the Movie and the name of the articles are in the picture that I…

The name of the Movie and the name of the articles are in the picture that I uploaded and please follow the instructions below: Please use the following questions as a guide in composing your response: If you had to reduce the thesis of each the readings to a single sentence, what would each sentence

The name of the Movie and the name of the articles are in the picture that I… Read More »

The paper must be at least three full pages long, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins around…

The paper must be at least three full pages long, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins around the page.  Do not make a cover sheet. Use MLA format for quotations. You must cite your sources correctly. Remember, if you did not come up with an idea yourself it needs to be cited, even if you rephrased the

The paper must be at least three full pages long, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins around… Read More »

Living writers Amy Hempel and Karen Russell add a contemporary flare to these issues of life, death,…

Living writers Amy Hempel and Karen Russell add a contemporary flare to these issues of life, death, and ‘the other side,’ in their respective short stories. Read ‘In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson is Buried’ p. 206 and ‘Vampires in the Lemon Grove’ p. 419 and respond to the following: Arguably, it is human nature to

Living writers Amy Hempel and Karen Russell add a contemporary flare to these issues of life, death,… Read More »

Write a large paragraph response for each of the following topics:1. Discuss how Japanese Noh theatrical elements…

Write a large paragraph response for each of the following topics:1. Discuss how Japanese Noh theatrical elements are used in Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood (e.g., music, masking, setting, characterization, acting, movement). How do they contribute to the theme’s “timelessness”? What is that theme?2. Is Kurosawa’s Throne of Blood a loose adaptation of Macbeth or more

Write a large paragraph response for each of the following topics:1. Discuss how Japanese Noh theatrical elements… Read More »