>Law homework help

Taking into account what you have learned in class and research, what is your idea and opinion for a clear path of action to end human trafficking.

Taking into account what you have learned in class and research, what is your idea and opinion for a clear path of action to end human trafficking.  It should be typed in Calibri or New Times Roman (12-point font) and double-spaced.  Follow the traditional formatting while addressing the questions provided:  For in-text citations and referencing,

Taking into account what you have learned in class and research, what is your idea and opinion for a clear path of action to end human trafficking. Read More »

Are executions necessary to deter capital crimes?

Are executions necessary to deter capital crimes? What would be a good alternative to executions to seek justice for capital crimes?  Two comprehensive and concise paragraphs will answer the questions properly  Grammar and diction are important Post two additional required comments to  two other students, it will promote a holistic learning approach to the topic

Are executions necessary to deter capital crimes? Read More »


American Psychological Association (APA) Style  2a. Be sure to provide the COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION in APA STYLE, INCLUDING ELECTRONIC IDENTIFICATION (e.g., DOI or URL if appropriate).     b.  For each entry, include a 2-3 paragraph summary of the entry’s main points and/or your overall evaluation of the reference.  The summary should be in your


Film Review

http://www.imdb.com/ Click on the link and watch ”Catch me If you Can”. After watching the film, write 2 or 2 1/2 pages answering the following below  TITLE: DESCRIPTION OF CRIME AS COVERED IN THE FILM: SUMMARY OF THE PLOT (DRAMA) OR SUMMARY OF INFORMATIONAL POINTS (DOCUMENTARY): YOUR CONCLUSIONS/OBSERVATIONS:

Film Review Read More »

Criminal justice

Your assignment will cover each of the following reports: Incident Report. Arrest Warrant. Presentence Report. (Client Information Packet) Application for Search Warrant. Order of Probation. Instructions For each report, complete the following two parts, using 5 sentences for each part, for a total of 10 sentences per report.  Explain which agency in the criminal justice

Criminal justice Read More »

Explain deterrence theory as it applies to the Brutalizing Effect.

Explain deterrence theory as it applies to the Brutalizing Effect.  Discuss your opinion on the support or the abolition of the death penalty to deter violent crime and your recommendation for a punishment that not only prevents violent crime but deters it. The class text and in particular Chapter 7 and the PowerPoint lesson have

Explain deterrence theory as it applies to the Brutalizing Effect. Read More »