Law /Criminal

Unit 4 – Individual ProjectDetails:In 2018, the town of Prattville erected a monument with the 10 Commandments…

Unit 4 – Individual ProjectDetails:In 2018, the town of Prattville erected a monument with the 10 Commandments inscribed on its face. A private citizen donated the monument to the city, which was placed in the town square next to several bronze statues of children playing with balls and leaves. A town resident filed a preliminary […]

Unit 4 – Individual ProjectDetails:In 2018, the town of Prattville erected a monument with the 10 Commandments… Read More »


NO PLAGIARISM DUE MAY 30, 2019.  ATTACHED ARE DOCUMENTS TO ASSIST WITH DISCUSSION In Chapter 1 of the text, our author talks about “putting it all into perspective.” Prior to beginning work on this discussion, Review Chapters 1 and 2 of Introduction to Juvenile Justice.  Read A More Just System of Juvenile Justice: Creating a New


tructure, courts will often have a variety of alternatives when imposing punishment.Compose an essay of 500 –…

tructure, courts will often have a variety of alternatives when imposing punishment.Compose an essay of 500 – 700 words that examines the role of court administrators with ensuring that the appropriate punishment is imposed when sentencing alternatives exist. For the purposes of this question the term “court administrators” is defined as judges and prosecutors. As

tructure, courts will often have a variety of alternatives when imposing punishment.Compose an essay of 500 –… Read More »

InstructionsFingerprintingIn an indoor area, identify three different non-porous objects on which you can place and subsequently collect…

InstructionsFingerprintingIn an indoor area, identify three different non-porous objects on which you can place and subsequently collect fingerprints. Using your index finger, wipe your finger along the edge of your nose, where the nose meets your cheek. The purpose is to obtain natural body oils on your finger from which you will make latent fingerprints

InstructionsFingerprintingIn an indoor area, identify three different non-porous objects on which you can place and subsequently collect… Read More »

On April 23, 2008, the United States Supreme Court, without dissent, determined in the case of Virginia…

On April 23, 2008, the United States Supreme Court, without dissent, determined in the case of Virginia v. Moore that despite unprofessional conduct on the part of the police, there was no violation of Mr. Moore’s civil rights when the police profiled him because they knew that he was driving under a suspended license. A

On April 23, 2008, the United States Supreme Court, without dissent, determined in the case of Virginia… Read More »

In Unit V, you created an outline on a topic of your choice (Plea Bargaining) and its…

In Unit V, you created an outline on a topic of your choice (Plea Bargaining) and its ethical implications. Now, you will take that a step further by researching a case on this topic and addressing the following areas:1) Explain the role of those involved with the case, including the judge and jury.2) Discuss any

In Unit V, you created an outline on a topic of your choice (Plea Bargaining) and its… Read More »

Over the weekend, you attended a co-worker’s birthday party. During the birthday celebration, your co-worker delivered the…

Over the weekend, you attended a co-worker’s birthday party. During the birthday celebration, your co-worker delivered the speech below. Which aspect of the speech most appealed to you? Provide an explanation for your choice. Option A: Introduction and conclusion Option B: Use of direct quotesI would like to first start by thanking my family, friends,

Over the weekend, you attended a co-worker’s birthday party. During the birthday celebration, your co-worker delivered the… Read More »

Throughout this course, our focus has been on the Department of Homeland Security. Chapter 50: International Homeland…

Throughout this course, our focus has been on the Department of Homeland Security. Chapter 50: International Homeland Security is the baseline for this assignment. However, you may use content from Chapter 49: The Hyogo Framework for Action or Chapter 51: ISO Security Management Standards if you prefer (Chapter 49 and 51 can be found in

Throughout this course, our focus has been on the Department of Homeland Security. Chapter 50: International Homeland… Read More »

*8 hours Plagiarism free!!!!As we read in our lectures this week, philosopher John Locke asked: “If a…

*8 hours Plagiarism free!!!!As we read in our lectures this week, philosopher John Locke asked: “If a man in the state of nature is free, if he is absolute lord of his own person and possessions, why will he give up his freedom? Why will he put himself under the control of any person or

*8 hours Plagiarism free!!!!As we read in our lectures this week, philosopher John Locke asked: “If a… Read More »

APA referencesThis week’s discussion will pick up on the topic of organized crime. Some crime families…

APA referencesThis week’s discussion will pick up on the topic of organized crime. Some crime families have strict membership requirements, along  ethnic lines. Is this something that is common among organized crime  organizations, or is this just an Italian/Sicilian thing? Why would a  criminal organization have such a strict rule about the ethnicity of its

APA referencesThis week’s discussion will pick up on the topic of organized crime. Some crime families… Read More »