Law /Criminal


NO TITLE PAGE CHAPTERS 1-3  OF NEW JACK       MUST BE 200 WORDS NO LESSFor this discussion board, describe something that took place in the assigned chapters (1-3) that you perceived as ‘most important’ or ‘most interesting’.  Provide an explanation of why you believe this event was the most important/interesting.  Within your post, you must specify […]

NO TITLE PAGE CHAPTERS 1-3 Â OF NEW JACK Â Â Â Â Â Â MUST BE 200 WORDS NO LESSFor this discussion board,… Read More »

Book New Jack    For this discussion board, describe something that took place in the assigned chapter (4)…

Book New Jack    For this discussion board, describe something that took place in the assigned chapter (4) only 1 thing that you perceived as ‘most important’ or ‘most interesting’.  Provide an explanation of why you believe this event was the most important/interesting.  Within your post, you must specify the page(s) in which the event took

Book New Jack    For this discussion board, describe something that took place in the assigned chapter (4)… Read More »

Select a more recent Supreme Court decisions (less than 5 years old) that had a significant impact…

Select a more recent Supreme Court decisions (less than 5 years old) that had a significant impact on law enforcement. What are the facts of the case and what are the impacts of the decision on the police behavior?Here are some sites where you can find a number of Supreme Court Cases DISCUSSION MUST BE AT

Select a more recent Supreme Court decisions (less than 5 years old) that had a significant impact… Read More »

Apply Goode’s definition of what needs to happen in order for something to be considered deviant. There…

Apply Goode’s definition of what needs to happen in order for something to be considered deviant. There is an example in Section 1.2.In no less than 250 words, apply appropriate technology tools and resources to locate and retrieve information from various sources (e.g., on-line, libraries, etc.) while completing this assignment. Use proper English grammar and

Apply Goode’s definition of what needs to happen in order for something to be considered deviant. There… Read More »

Read this article on the L.A. Riots.Apply the concepts of frustration induced criminality to this story….

Read this article on the L.A. Riots.Apply the concepts of frustration induced criminality to this story. Do you agree or disagree with the author? Be specific. What caused these riots to erupt in your opinion? Support it. Do you think that the riots are a justified form of protest? Why or why not? paragraph 300

Read this article on the L.A. Riots.Apply the concepts of frustration induced criminality to this story…. Read More »

Identify the problems that accompany immigration to the U.S. and the kinds of approaches some police agencies…

Identify the problems that accompany immigration to the U.S. and the kinds of approaches some police agencies are taking to attempt to address these problems. Next, delineate the various political, economic, and social issues that underlie immigration and border security. Discuss whether you believe the approaches by law enforcement are effective given these underlying issues. Justify

Identify the problems that accompany immigration to the U.S. and the kinds of approaches some police agencies… Read More »

As the task force responsible for the strategic plan, you must formally present the plan to the…

As the task force responsible for the strategic plan, you must formally present the plan to the organization at the next department or agency-wide meeting.Create a 2 to 3 slide presentation in which you present the fully developed strategic plan to the organization.Include the following:o Strategies for giving and receiving feedbacko Methods for data collection

As the task force responsible for the strategic plan, you must formally present the plan to the… Read More »

This week, let us continue with the interview scenario. It is said that you should never leave…

This week, let us continue with the interview scenario. It is said that you should never leave an interview without asking at least one question of your interviewers. This week, identify three questions you would ask during your interview. Would the answer to those questions from the interviewers change your thoughts about working for the

This week, let us continue with the interview scenario. It is said that you should never leave… Read More »

Discuss the contributions to the “human side of enterprise†as articulated by Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, Abraham…

Discuss the contributions to the “human side of enterprise” as articulated by Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, Abraham Maslow, and Douglas McGregor. How does this organizational theory school of thought differ from the classical and neoclassical schools of thought? In your opinion, which school of thought is most applicable for public and/or nonprofit organizations and why?

Discuss the contributions to the “human side of enterprise†as articulated by Elton Mayo, Chester Barnard, Abraham… Read More »

First list and describe the main assumptions of Robert K. Merton’s Theory of Anomie.Then using this theory,…

First list and describe the main assumptions of Robert K. Merton’s Theory of Anomie.Then using this theory, explain why, in your view, white collar crime occurs/exists.Please make sure to fully defend your ‘supported’ view regarding this question. Be specific and use literature to support your perspective.600 words (not including references)2 references

First list and describe the main assumptions of Robert K. Merton’s Theory of Anomie.Then using this theory,… Read More »