
Attached here is the rubric, instructions and topic of a bioethics paper I have due in 4…

Attached here is the rubric, instructions and topic of a bioethics paper I have due in 4 days for my Biology Class. Please I need NO plagiarism of any kind in this paper, I repeat, No plagiarism for this assignment will be submitted electronically in search of form of similarity on the web. Do not […]

Attached here is the rubric, instructions and topic of a bioethics paper I have due in 4… Read More »

philosophy begins when people began to try to understand their world by the use of their reason,…

philosophy begins when people began to try to understand their world by the use of their reason, without appealing to myth or religion. In other words, the philosophers sought things like meaning, value, and a sense of right and wrong without appealing to God. Do you believe that’s possible, or does one need religion to

philosophy begins when people began to try to understand their world by the use of their reason,… Read More »

Analyzing an Extended Argument Writing Assignment on p 143. For this writing exercise, you will read the ‘On Date Rape’…

Analyzing an Extended Argument Writing Assignment on p 143. For this writing exercise, you will read the ‘On Date Rape’ by Camille Paglia on p. 144-145 (ignore the directions in the book that say ‘or choose one from your own reading’. Do not do that – analyze the article in the book)Your task it to identify, name, and explain

Analyzing an Extended Argument Writing Assignment on p 143. For this writing exercise, you will read the ‘On Date Rape’… Read More »

U4A2Bradbury definitely turned some heads when he wrote a book about the burning of books! Books are…

U4A2Bradbury definitely turned some heads when he wrote a book about the burning of books! Books are symbolic for many reasons, and before the Internet and cell phones, they literally held knowledge and was how we received vital information. To burn a book was to burn everything! Directions: Read the poem ‘Burning a Book’ by William Stratford,

U4A2Bradbury definitely turned some heads when he wrote a book about the burning of books! Books are… Read More »

As a learning team, brainstorm ways your team would use methods of inquiry across the K-12 content.Compile at least two…

As a learning team, brainstorm ways your team would use methods of inquiry across the K-12 content.Compile at least two ideas in each of the following grade spans: K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12.Create a chart for your ideas and include: Resources for inquiry-learning at each of the grade spans. Benefits of using interdisciplinary inquiry at each of the grade

As a learning team, brainstorm ways your team would use methods of inquiry across the K-12 content.Compile at least two… Read More »

Question:  Read José Rivera’s Cloud Tectonics, p. 381-413. Think about the magic realism elements in the play and…

Question:  Read José Rivera’s Cloud Tectonics, p. 381-413. Think about the magic realism elements in the play and discuss their role in the text. Choose one or more related elements and analyze how the playwright uses it/them. Be specific and quote the play in your analysis. How does the element you chose enhance the characters, conflict,

Question:  Read José Rivera’s Cloud Tectonics, p. 381-413. Think about the magic realism elements in the play and… Read More »

What is a True Belief?Explain the four truth tests and illustrate each with an example of a…

What is a True Belief?Explain the four truth tests and illustrate each with an example of a belief that would be true by its standards. Remember to explain specific theories with supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.) Review and comment on the posts

What is a True Belief?Explain the four truth tests and illustrate each with an example of a… Read More »

What makes a life worth living?In 1-2 pages, explain the idea that the unexamined life is not…

What makes a life worth living?In 1-2 pages, explain the idea that the unexamined life is not worth living and discuss your own ideas about what makes life meaningful. Remember to use supporting citations from the textbook and online. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.) Review and comment on the post

What makes a life worth living?In 1-2 pages, explain the idea that the unexamined life is not… Read More »

The goal of every high school is to graduate students ready for the future whether the student…

The goal of every high school is to graduate students ready for the future whether the student chooses to continue his/her education or immediately enter the workforce.  Write a one-page typed letter to Mr. Brian Michalsky, the Katy ISD School Board President explaining why you believe that you are either college or career ready. Be

The goal of every high school is to graduate students ready for the future whether the student… Read More »

U4 VocaACTIVITY 1Define each of the following key terms from Part I of the novel Fahrenheit 451….

U4 VocaACTIVITY 1Define each of the following key terms from Part I of the novel Fahrenheit 451. Then choose 5 of the words from the list to use in original sentences. Your five sentences MUST be in your own words to receive full credit. Abyss Cacophony Cower Feigning Luminescent Olfactory Pratfall Ravenous Tactile Tallow

U4 VocaACTIVITY 1Define each of the following key terms from Part I of the novel Fahrenheit 451…. Read More »