
Weekly Art Review – Renaissance in Quattrocento Italy, Strozzi & the Medici FamiliesStep 1: Gentile da Fabriano,…

Weekly Art Review – Renaissance in Quattrocento Italy, Strozzi & the Medici FamiliesStep 1: Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi, altarpiece from the Strozzi family chapel, Santa Trinita, Florence, Italy 1423, tempera on wood & Fra Angelico, Jesus Consigning His Mother to Saint John, Cosimo de’ Medici’s private cell 38, monastery of San Marco, […]

Weekly Art Review – Renaissance in Quattrocento Italy, Strozzi & the Medici FamiliesStep 1: Gentile da Fabriano,… Read More »

Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and…

Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of two (2) double-spaced pages to a maximum of three (3) pages in length; refer to the ‘Assignment Format’ page located on the Course

Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and… Read More »

I have attached my plan of theme of urban music Create a facilitation plan for your theme study integrated…

I have attached my plan of theme of urban music Create a facilitation plan for your theme study integrated unit.Include the following:  Brief summary of unit and grade level.  Calendar that shows your beginning activities, ongoing activities and culminating activities.  Concepts most important to this unit.  Skills students will develop.  Content Standards you will be addressing.  Potential problems

I have attached my plan of theme of urban music Create a facilitation plan for your theme study integrated… Read More »

Please compose a critical summary about the article “The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All†by…

Please compose a critical summary about the article “The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All” by Herbert J. Gans. This summary should be 700-750 words, typed, double spaced, and 12pt font (Times New Roman is preferred). Ensure you have an introduction, two to three body paragraphs for a summary, a critical analysis paragraph, and

Please compose a critical summary about the article “The Uses of Poverty: The Poor Pay All†by… Read More »

Write a 700- to 1,050-word policy brief on the effects the legislation will have on your selected…

Write a 700- to 1,050-word policy brief on the effects the legislation will have on your selected facility or service and on the state’s population. Use the following structure when putting together your policy brief: Title Executive summary (175 to 260 words) Recommendations Introduction State recommendation again Body Overview of problem Review of relevant research

Write a 700- to 1,050-word policy brief on the effects the legislation will have on your selected… Read More »

Using a job site such as Indeed.com or Monster.com, locate three job ads for people in your…

Using a job site such as Indeed.com or Monster.com, locate three job ads for people in your nursing major.  In each ad, identify references to writing and communication skills, and then identify references to professional attitudes and work habits. Do not post the entire ad for each job posting, just post the main part of

Using a job site such as Indeed.com or Monster.com, locate three job ads for people in your… Read More »

Defining Racism • According to the Webtext, racism refers to ‘the belief that certain racial or…

Defining Racism • According to the Webtext, racism refers to ‘the belief that certain racial or ethnic groups are inferior to one or more other groups.’ To many people, this definition is largely insufficient to explain this complicated concept! Some sociologists argue that power and oppression SHOULD play a role in a definition of racism. 

Defining Racism • According to the Webtext, racism refers to ‘the belief that certain racial or… Read More »


PLEASE PICK A PRODUCT OR PRODUCT CATEGORY ON EUROMONITOR PASSPORT AND WRITE A 400 WORD REPORT ON CONSUMER TRENDS FOR THAT PRODUCT OR PRODUCT CATEGORY USING DATA FROM FIVE COUNTRIES. (The countries should be from different regions and have different levels of economic development)THE REPORT SHOULD INDICATE: What the overriding trends are for the product;


Directions: Write a 3-4pg. essay on one of the following topics. Be persuasive in outlining your criticism/interpretation….

Directions: Write a 3-4pg. essay on one of the following topics. Be persuasive in outlining your criticism/interpretation. One must incorporate 1-2 sources from scholarly journals. Must adhere to MLA guidelines.  Describe      Hawthorne’s use of symbolism in “Young Goodman Brown.” What does Hawthorne say about the      hypocrisy of Puritan religion? Is      Faith itself corrupt? Explain.The one

Directions: Write a 3-4pg. essay on one of the following topics. Be persuasive in outlining your criticism/interpretation…. Read More »

The Artichoke Version of the SelfWrite a 2–3-page paper explaining the artichoke idea of the self. Remember…

The Artichoke Version of the SelfWrite a 2–3-page paper explaining the artichoke idea of the self. Remember to explain specific theories with supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures. (Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations.)As you develop your response, you might find some of the following questions to be relevant: What

The Artichoke Version of the SelfWrite a 2–3-page paper explaining the artichoke idea of the self. Remember… Read More »