Business & Finance /Economics

Assume the role of a police officer on patrol. You have been dispatched to a high school,…

Assume the role of a police officer on patrol. You have been dispatched to a high school, where a homeless man has camped in a vacant lot across from the school property in a box. He does not bother anyone, but students pass by him throughout the day on the adjacent sidewalk.  The lot is […]

Assume the role of a police officer on patrol. You have been dispatched to a high school,… Read More »

Expectations for Assignment:- Select a current event article that relates to a topic/concept, Examples include: Scarcity, Choice,…

Expectations for Assignment:- Select a current event article that relates to a topic/concept, Examples include: Scarcity, Choice, Opportunity Cost, Supply/Demand, Investing, Inflation, GDP, etc… The article can come from a variety of sources, such as: magazine, periodical, or the Internet. Make sure you cut out or print out the source article. It must be attached to your

Expectations for Assignment:- Select a current event article that relates to a topic/concept, Examples include: Scarcity, Choice,… Read More »

Using the New York Times article, ‘Defiant, Generic Drug Maker Continues to Raise Prices,’ conduct further research…

Using the New York Times article, ‘Defiant, Generic Drug Maker Continues to Raise Prices,’ conduct further research on the pricing strategies of generic drug manufacturers. In 750‐1,000 words, analyze the pricing strategies and discuss the following: Discuss the pricing decisions of generic drug manufacturers.2. Evaluate the impact competitors and additional economic factors have on

Using the New York Times article, ‘Defiant, Generic Drug Maker Continues to Raise Prices,’ conduct further research… Read More »

reply in 150 words, provide 1 reference Forecasting- DayForecasting is a way of looking ahead for future business…

reply in 150 words, provide 1 reference Forecasting- DayForecasting is a way of looking ahead for future business expectations. The saying that it is both an art and a science is looking at how it can be interpreted. For example, many sales will go up around Christmas time, the art is knowing which holidays sales will go up during

reply in 150 words, provide 1 reference Forecasting- DayForecasting is a way of looking ahead for future business… Read More »

Directed patrol is an important aspect of policing. Hypothetically place yourself in the role as the chief…

Directed patrol is an important aspect of policing. Hypothetically place yourself in the role as the chief of police in the City of Miami.  Provide a list of locations within the City that you believe to be “hot spots” for criminal activity. (Research the police agency for its crime statistics.) Would you increase the number

Directed patrol is an important aspect of policing. Hypothetically place yourself in the role as the chief… Read More »

Question 1Â Global Economics By using the data (Up to the year 2008) for Euro zone countries (excluding…

Question 1 Global Economics By using the data (Up to the year 2008) for Euro zone countries (excluding Malta and Cyprus) from ‘OECD fact book’ discuss the impact of the following factors in bringing about the ‘Euro crises’: 1-Budget deficits and national debt  2-2- Balance of payments  3-3- Social expenditures  Using graphs compare the above factors

Question 1Â Global Economics By using the data (Up to the year 2008) for Euro zone countries (excluding… Read More »

In  addition your answers must prescribe to APA format.. You must submit a  cover page, each question…

In  addition your answers must prescribe to APA format.. You must submit a  cover page, each question in a page by itself, and your references page  must be also in a page by itself.  And, please do not forget to  reference your in-text.  Lastly your assignment must be submitted via  ‘Safeassign’ in order to obtain

In  addition your answers must prescribe to APA format.. You must submit a  cover page, each question… Read More »

The AHA and the ARC are the most well know CPR certifying agencies out there, but they…

The AHA and the ARC are the most well know CPR certifying agencies out there, but they are not the same. Although they are both based off the 2005 American Heart Association guidelines, the certifications are not identical. Below we will discuss the differences between both of them.American Heart Association – The AHA CPR classes

The AHA and the ARC are the most well know CPR certifying agencies out there, but they… Read More »

‘Exploring Tax Cuts, Jobs, and CBO in the News’There has been discussion about whether the Tax Cuts…

‘Exploring Tax Cuts, Jobs, and CBO in the News’There has been discussion about whether the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act actually reduces deficits and what will happen to U.S. debt. What do you think? Watch this video: U.S. Deficit to Surpass $1 Trillion Two Years Ahead of Estimates, CBO Says The video cites the Congressional Budget Office

‘Exploring Tax Cuts, Jobs, and CBO in the News’There has been discussion about whether the Tax Cuts… Read More »

Exploring the Role of the Federal Reserve Bank’What is the FED’s job and how does the FED…

Exploring the Role of the Federal Reserve Bank’What is the FED’s job and how does the FED manage the money supply? How do banks create money? Let’s explore these questions as we talk about the role of the Federal Reserve Bank, also known as the FED.Reply to these questions in your post: If the FED

Exploring the Role of the Federal Reserve Bank’What is the FED’s job and how does the FED… Read More »