Business & Finance /Economics

No less than 350 wordsPaper/Presentation/VideoGetting into the habit of reading the Wall Street Journal or other economic…

No less than 350 wordsPaper/Presentation/VideoGetting into the habit of reading the Wall Street Journal or other economic journals is another goal of this class. You are encouraged to subscribe to the Wall Street Journal. The Journal offers major discounts for students and helps build the much needed knowledge and skills for business majors.Please, make a […]

No less than 350 wordsPaper/Presentation/VideoGetting into the habit of reading the Wall Street Journal or other economic… Read More »

reply to student response in 150 words , provide 1 reference Day- OligopoliesOligopolies do have adverse effects on…

reply to student response in 150 words , provide 1 reference Day- OligopoliesOligopolies do have adverse effects on income distribution. However, I don’t necessarily see anything wrong with this. Oligopolies exist all over the U.S. and the world. I will use cell phone companies as an example. They are dominated by AT&T, Verizon, T-mobile, Sprint, and several slightly smaller companies who

reply to student response in 150 words , provide 1 reference Day- OligopoliesOligopolies do have adverse effects on… Read More »

In the online discussion forum, you are expected to participate often and engage in deep levels of…

In the online discussion forum, you are expected to participate often and engage in deep levels of conversation. Please post your initial response by Wednesday and continue to participate by posting a minimum of 2 substantial responses to classmates. You should also respond to anyone who has responded to you. Please follow APA guidelines when

In the online discussion forum, you are expected to participate often and engage in deep levels of… Read More »

it is very important that the paper is in APA and that it includes references!i attached the…

it is very important that the paper is in APA and that it includes references!i attached the pages from the book for that chapter, the book is Macroeconomics 11 edition, if any question please contact me at any time Your assignment is worth 6 pts, and each of the questions must have at least a half

it is very important that the paper is in APA and that it includes references!i attached the… Read More »

As a fellow with the Federal Reserve Bank I would like to include some of the educational…

As a fellow with the Federal Reserve Bank I would like to include some of the educational information provided by the Federal Reserve Bank to increase awareness of the monetary policy. Please, listen to the video on macroeconomic forecasting rules of thumb video. Watch the video below and then answer these questions: The survey questions are reproduced below

As a fellow with the Federal Reserve Bank I would like to include some of the educational… Read More »

reply in 150 words. provide 1 reference MonopolizationCOLLAPSEThe main statutes that come to mind is the Sherman Act…

reply in 150 words. provide 1 reference MonopolizationCOLLAPSEThe main statutes that come to mind is the Sherman Act of 1890 and Federal Trade Commission act of 1914. Both of these antitrust laws. These regulate the conduct and exercises of businesses to promote fair trade for the benefit of the consumer. These acts do not allow businesses to merge in order

reply in 150 words. provide 1 reference MonopolizationCOLLAPSEThe main statutes that come to mind is the Sherman Act… Read More »

PA 315 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ESSAY The Economic Development Case Study is a two-part assignment – the written paper…

PA 315 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ESSAY The Economic Development Case Study is a two-part assignment – the written paper and presentation in class. Written Paper Directions:The first part of the assignment is to write an original case study on local economic development and discuss the role government played in the case. You must identify a case on a

PA 315 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ESSAY The Economic Development Case Study is a two-part assignment – the written paper… Read More »

Choose peer review articles relevant to our coursework, or, if you elect an “Aâ€, relevant to your…

Choose peer review articles relevant to our coursework, or, if you elect an “A”, relevant to your selected research topic. Use APA formatting, described in BLACKBOARD, to write a review of literature relating the article to the course material and yourself. Your review needs to be 1 – 1 ½ pages. The article you review

Choose peer review articles relevant to our coursework, or, if you elect an “Aâ€, relevant to your… Read More »

Submit a synthesis of statistical findings derived from ANOVA that follows the Week 4 Assignment Template. Your…

Submit a synthesis of statistical findings derived from ANOVA that follows the Week 4 Assignment Template. Your paper must include the following: A description and justification for using the one-way ANOVA A properly formatted research question A properly formatted H0(null) and H1 (alternate) hypothesis An APA-formatted “Results” section for the one-way ANOVA Identification of the statistical

Submit a synthesis of statistical findings derived from ANOVA that follows the Week 4 Assignment Template. Your… Read More »

Suppose a seller runs a second-price, sealed-bid auction for a painting. There are two bidders with independent,…

Suppose a seller runs a second-price, sealed-bid auction for a painting. There are two bidders with independent, private values. The seller does not know their precise valuations, but knows: (i) each bidder i has one of three values, vi = 2,4,8; and (ii) each of these values is equally likely (i.e., occurs with probability 1/3).

Suppose a seller runs a second-price, sealed-bid auction for a painting. There are two bidders with independent,… Read More »