Business & Finance /Accounting

Find a court  case where fraud occurred over several years (using the KU library/Westlaw), and discuss the…

Find a court  case where fraud occurred over several years (using the KU library/Westlaw), and discuss the responsibility for detection and prevention of this fraud on the part of management, internal auditors, and external auditors.. Evaluate what ‘red flags’ were missed in this court case you found and which internal controls you think were missing that allowed […]

Find a court  case where fraud occurred over several years (using the KU library/Westlaw), and discuss the… Read More »

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:This week focuses on control activities to mitigate…

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:This week focuses on control activities to mitigate risk for sales processes, and internal controls plan for sales processes. Reflecting on the product or service of your current or past employer, discuss how would you mitigate risk for sales process. What internal control plan would you implement?

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:This week focuses on control activities to mitigate… Read More »

Learning to Lead interview analysis:Learning to Lead interview, reflect back on what you’ve learned about leadership styles…

Learning to Lead interview analysis:Learning to Lead interview, reflect back on what you’ve learned about leadership styles and approaches.In 700 to 900 words, answer the following: Analyze interviewee’s responses Summarize what you learned from your interview Explain how you would apply what you learned into your own leadership responsibilities Distinguish the differences between management and

Learning to Lead interview analysis:Learning to Lead interview, reflect back on what you’ve learned about leadership styles… Read More »

Review the Robatelli’s Pizzeria Case Study.Develop another internal controls system, but this time, in the purchases and fixed assets business…

Review the Robatelli’s Pizzeria Case Study.Develop another internal controls system, but this time, in the purchases and fixed assets business areas.Prepare a 12- to 16-slide presentation describing the purchases and fixed assets business areas.Include any associated risk in these areas.Describe specific internal controls that include authorization of transactions, segregation of duties, adequate records and documentation, security of assets, and independent checks

Review the Robatelli’s Pizzeria Case Study.Develop another internal controls system, but this time, in the purchases and fixed assets business… Read More »

2000 word report on a case study, Â a case study related to any current issue affecting at…

2000 word report on a case study,  a case study related to any current issue affecting at the local, national or global scale.  The case study must not be from the text book. Need a case which went to the court.  choose a case from here and it should be nagative one and should

2000 word report on a case study, Â a case study related to any current issue affecting at… Read More »

Please read the article “Make a Plan to Manage Personal Finances†by Michael Scheibach found in the…

Please read the article “Make a Plan to Manage Personal Finances” by Michael Scheibach found in the Course Materials. This article lists 10 money saving strategies. Choose three of these strategies and discuss how they will help your personal budget? What additional tips or budgeting strategies do you use that were not mentioned in this

Please read the article “Make a Plan to Manage Personal Finances†by Michael Scheibach found in the… Read More »

A. Indicate whether each of the procedures of internal control represents: (1) a strength or, (2) a…

A. Indicate whether each of the procedures of internal control represents: (1) a strength or, (2) a weakness. For each weakness, indicate why it exists and what procedures should be put into place to alleviate the risk. B. For each letter, A–H, you should have at least a one paragraph, thoughtful answer that includes good

A. Indicate whether each of the procedures of internal control represents: (1) a strength or, (2) a… Read More »

In what way(s) do the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for power…

In what way(s) do the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for power relate to your work performance? Your motivation? Which of the needs generally influence you the most? Describe a time in which that influence led to a negative outcome. What lesson did you learn from the experience?

In what way(s) do the need for achievement, the need for affiliation, and the need for power… Read More »

i have cost accounting 1 online and need someone to log into MyPearson Accounting lab website online…

i have cost accounting 1 online and need someone to log into MyPearson Accounting lab website online and complete the finals. I can provide the exact subjects that will be on the test. The test has 4 problems with small parts in each question. The test also has two attempts. Price is negotiable.

i have cost accounting 1 online and need someone to log into MyPearson Accounting lab website online… Read More »

In the last topic, we learned about different forms of business organization. If you were to open…

In the last topic, we learned about different forms of business organization. If you were to open a business, how would it be organized? Identify the type of business you might start and why you would choose that form of organization.Must be answered with 100-150 word and have a cite in the answer.

In the last topic, we learned about different forms of business organization. If you were to open… Read More »