CAN YOU DO THIS FOR MEÂ Â Project 1 InstructionsThis project requires that you complete the Myers-Briggs Personality Test…

CAN YOU DO THIS FOR ME  Project 1 InstructionsThis project requires that you complete the Myers-Briggs Personality Test online, and then apply your results. The links and details are in Steps 1 and 2 (see below). Read all of the instructions for this assignment before beginning any of your work.Step 1 Open      the following website to complete the assessment: Jung Typology Test. Once      complete, click on “Score it” to retrieve your four-letter type. Next,      you will need to investigate your Temperament through researching the      topic, however the various sites below are suggestions for descriptions of      your Type and data on relationships, careers, etc. Personality       Page-Four Temperaments: This site allows you to explore the       Temperaments by traits Keirsey       Overview: This site gives an overview of the Temperaments and       Keirsey but doesn’t lend itself to a great deal of information. You       might find it has some other items of interest for your traits though. Personality       Club: This site has a nice visual graphic on the Temperaments       for each trait. Using      Temperaments links, explore Keirsey’s Temperaments and go back to the Jung      Typology test site to explore the Sixteen Personality Types using the tabs      at the top to locate the description of your type. You may also research      beyond these suggested links as long as you cite them properly. Once      there, click on links for The Four Preferences, Keirsey’s Temperaments,      and Overview of the Sixteen Personality Types to locate the description of      your type. If you cannot locate them within the Jung site, explore them      through the other links. The      personality test will reveal your 4-letter type      and your 2-letter temperament. In this step, you will discuss the validity      of each letter of your type and temperament. Provide your      statistical/percentage results for comparison of letters within your      discussion. Any adverse personal opinions on the assessment tools must be      respectful and scholarly with supportive research. Include a separate section for each letter of your      personality type, as well as a section for discussing how the different      aspects of your personality (represented by the letters) work together.      For example, if you scored with the letter “I,” then that letter with your      type will be a heading: I-Introverted.· You must have separate sub-headings for each section.· Give specific examples from your life—especially your work life—and discuss the weaknesses of your personality type as well. Refer to the Presentation: “Lesson 1–A Worldview Perspective on Organizational Behavior,” found in the Module/Week 1 Reading & Study folder.Step 2 Apply the Type Talk at      Work textbook, which focuses on how various personality      types relate at work. The book must be evident within the discussion, not      simply cited, with specific, applied topics. Using the Type Talk at Work textbook as your guide, discuss the things you have learned about      yourself that will help you understand your organization and your role      within it. In a new section in your paper (labeled Step 2), answer the      following questions with specific correlation to the book:· In general, what have you learned from these personality tests about organizational behavior that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager?· In particular, what have you learned about yourself from this personality test that will help you be a better employee, coworker, and/or manager? Provide specific examples.Formatting1. Use current APA format for every element of the paper. Be sure to include the current APA-formatted cover page, abstract, and reference page. Refer to your APA manual for help or this site for assistance: 2. Write in first person—this is allowed due to the personal nature of the assignment.3. To facilitate the Instructor’s grading of these assignments, you must have major headings for Steps 1 and 2. Additionally, under the major heading of Step 1, you must have subheadings for each separate letter of your Meyers-Briggs type. There must also be a subheading describing your entire Meyers-Briggs personality to round out the discussion with your Temperament. You will need a total of 5 subheadings for Step 1.4. The exact number of paragraphs that you include in each section is your decision; your Instructor will not be grading you on how many paragraphs you used per section, but rather the extent to which you specifically addressed each of the areas above.5. The minimum of 6 required pages of content does not include the title page, abstract page, or reference page. Those must be counted as additional pages. You will likely find that it will be difficult to address all of these things in only 6 pages, but that constraint is part of the exercise itself. Learning to write succinctly and efficiently will improve your communication skills, regardless of the setting. Because you only have 6 pages to discuss all these components, be concise.6. Be sure to double-space, using Times New Roman 12-point font only; use 1-inch margins, and avoid bold font (except for headlines, per current APA format), underlining, and contractions.7. The reference page must include a minimum of the 5 following references in current APA format (all sources must be evident within the paper and less than 5 years old):· Presentation: Lesson 1 – A Worldview Perspective on Organizational Behavior (in Module/Week 1),· Type Talk at Work textbook,· Organizational Behavior textbook,· Jung Typology Test, and· For further questions regarding current APA format, visit Liberty University’s Online Writing Center.Students may, although not required, submit Project 1 to the appropriately labeled SafeAssign draft link first to review your percentage of originality. Submit Project 1 to the appropriate link for grading by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2.   Projects Grading Rubric    CriteriaLevels of    Achievement Content 70%Advanced (92–100%)Proficient (84–91%)Developing (1–83%)Not PresentPoints Earned Abstract14 to 15 pointsThere is an   abstract statement with topic selection to provide a clear overview of the   paper’s contents. The statement adheres to APA and is in depth to properly   introduce the paper.13 pointsAn   abstract statement is provided, there is a somewhat clear overview of the   paper’s contents and topic selection. The statement somewhat adheres to APA   with some depth. 1   to 12 pointsA   brief overview of the paper is provided but it is not clear of the paper’s   contents and topic selection. The statement does not adhere to APA and is not   in depth enough to properly introduce the paper.0 pointsNo   abstract statement is provided.

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