C. Wright Mills defined the sociological imagination as the capacity for individuals to understand the relationship between their individual lives and the broad social forces that influence them. In other words, the sociological imagination helps people link their own individual biographies to the broader forces of social life: ‘Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both’ (Mills 1959).In this assignment, you will use this sociological imagination to analyze a situation that happened in your life and has had a huge impact on you.Format Requirements Length: Approximately 500-700 words, and should be very specific about the terms and concepts mentioned in your book. Font: 12 point Times New Roman or comparable Citation Style: APA style formatting is required. The body of the paper must include citations according to the APA style format, and these sources should be included in your reference page. Every assignment should contain at least two references. Document format: WORD or pdf For more information about the written assignments, please refer to the course syllabus. RubricAssignment Rubric (2) (1)Assignment Rubric (2) (1)CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Component3.0 ptsThe paper is content rich, all questions have been answered, and analysis is evident.2.0 ptsThe paper is effective in supporting the student’s argument, but it minimally responds to the assignment.0.0 ptsAssignment component has not yet been included3.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Component3.0 ptsThe paper contains correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.2.0 ptsThe paper follows all formatting guidelines, including page-length and APA formatting requirements.0.0 ptsWriting Component has not yet been included3.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Component4.0 ptsThe student uses at least two quality resources outside of the textbook to support her/his argument. No errors in APA style. Scholarly style. All references and citations are correctly written and match.2.0 ptsThe student provides supporting evidence for her/his argument. Errors in APA style are noticeable. One or more reference or citations missing or incorrectly written.0.0 ptsResearch Component has not yet been included. Errors in APA style detract substantially from the paper. Reference and citation errors detract significantly from paper.4.0 ptsTotal Points: 10.0PreviousNext