Assessment Task 2: Individual Reflective JournalAssessment Task 2: Individual Reflection AssignmentDue Date: Friday, Week 11Weighting: 30%Format: Written, individual reflective journalLength: 3,000 words – + or – 10 per cent variation is acceptable. Do not include synopsis or references in the word count.You must choose one of the following three options:A) Individual reflective journalYou are required to reflect on the material presented throughout the course. Please note: While a Reflective Journal will mainly comprise of your own thoughts and reflections written in ‘your own words’, Federation University Australia rules relating to referencing, citation and acknowledgement must be complied with for any content from other sources. For information on the style of writing required, please refer to the reflective writing guide and samples provided on the course Moodle page in Assignment 2 Resources folder.Your task is to write about your ‘reflections’ on the concept of sustainability. You may choose to reflect on one or more of the themes listed below that really made an impact on you, or with which you could identify:· Positive and negative effects of the process of Globalization· Triple Bottom Line (TBL) business goals· Sustainable consumption (include your reactions to the Ecological Footprinting exercise)· Corporate Social Responsibility· Citizenship, consumers, civil society and activism· Employees and business ethics ethics.B) Ethics on ScreenWorking with the reviews of topical films or TV series, as discussed in relevant chapters inCrane & Matten, choose three titles from the following list: The Wolf of Wall Street; Promised Land; Margin Call; House of Cards; Up in the AirReflect on how they discuss the following themes and how they made an impact on you:· Positive and negative effects of the process of Globalization· Triple Bottom Line (TBL) business goals· Sustainable consumption (include your reactions to the Ecological Footprinting exercise)· Corporate Social Responsibility· Citizenship, consumers, civil society and activism· Employees and business ethics.C) A Business Ethics ScrapbookAt the beginning of the semester, choose one or more of the themes listed above and then keep a scrapbook (either in hard copy; or an on-line folder) where you collect and collate items/articles from the internet, social media, and the news media etc. You must then reflect on these themes through this media content and reveal how the themes made an impact on you.In whichever option you choose for this assessment task, you must:· Demonstrate your understanding of the chosen theme/s;· Consider how the theme/s apply to you, as an individual and as a potential future manager;· Consider the implications of these at a personal level e.g. what may have changed your thinking; what action may you take as a result of new thinking?;· Demonstrate critical thinking in these reflections.