IntroductionThroughout this course we’ve investigated the basics of sustainability (Social Ecology Model), what sustainability means to different economy sectors, the longterm and short-term processes that shape our landforms, how climates play a role in our lifestyles and how our lifestyles affect microclimates, the importance of climate change on flooding and droughts, the health of the SF Bay estuary and how urbanization has affected biodiversity, the benefits and impacts of agriculture, how intricate and vital water resources are for our future, the value and problems of transportation on society, current and future energy use in California, the relevance of trees, parks and wilderness to an urban environment, and the enormity of urban garbage and waste. Although it is impossible for one individual to enact immediate change in all these areas, making small personal changes every day can help move the Bay Area towards a sustainable future.Project Summary Your final paper will be a minimum 1,500 word written synopsis of your personal impact on the Bay Area Environment. You need to address the topics covered in this course and how your lifestyle choices relate to each topic (e.g. carbon footprint, water footprint, energy use, transportation habits, dietary habits, etc.). You should consider formatting your synopsis around the scientific method/process, where you are asking a question (how can I change my lifestyle to promote a sustainable future), complete background research by gathering external sources to support your position, include data (numerical values of your carbon footprint, water footprint, etc.), and you should also discuss how the Bay Area as a whole can change (e.g. you can bike to school/work more often, but the Bay Area can invest in rebuilding our transportation infrastructure to promote increased public transit). Finally, a strong conclusion detailing how you, and all of those who call the Bay Area home, can reduce your personal impact on the Bay Area environment.HERE IS THE CARBON FOOTPRINT; you can use it as your data. Introduction • Addresses the topic & it’s importance • Provide central question of your paper (i.e. how can I change my lifestyle to promote a sustainable future?) II. Discussion • Part I: Discuss your personal impacts on the Bay Area environment. This includes data from your previous labs. Include steps you can take to reduce our personal impact on the Bay Area environment. Discuss personal results and what results mean personally. • Part II: Make connections between the different topics we’ve covered throughout the semester (e.g. how water use affects the agriculture industry, the energy sector, the environmental sector, etc.). Every topic we’ve discussed about the Bay Area environment affects some aspect of the other topics, so connect the dots, so-to-speak. I don’t want simple summaries of your previous lab reports. This final paper needs to connect everything together. • Part III: Discuss how the Bay Area as a whole can change to promote a more sustainable future. You can discuss increasing our tree canopy cover, investing in green energy, improving our transportation network, etc. These are changes different from your personal changes discussed in the first body paragraph, but you can discuss how your personal changes will affect the societal changes (e.g. installing solar panels on your home). This section definitely needs supporting information from outside sources. There are numerous posted on iLearn to get you started. Don’t forget to cite the sources in the text of the paper and include a references section. III. Conclusion • Readdresses the overall topic & it’s importance • Summarizes main points • Proper formatting • References