After the death of Moses, Joshua was established as the leader of the tribes of Israel. He was command to do specific things in order to be victorious over the powerful surrounding nations. He was not told to physically and mentally train harder or study the culture and philosophies of the adversaries. He was instructed to keep the Law (Torah – instructions, teachings and guidance of God) in his mouth by meditating on it both day and night. To meditate is to say something over and over again while thinking about the content. This action causes whatever you are meditating on to get into the heart (spirit/soul) Joshua 1:5-9Joshua was informed that if he must did according to the instructions, not allowing anything to distract his focus, he would ‘make his way prosperous’ and ‘have good success.’ Think about that. He would make his own way prosperous and enjoy good success. The Lord did not say that He would do it. He is the One who placed the principle (law) into motion from ‘in the beginning’ to cause the designed effects. Deuteronomy 8:18 bears witness to this principle. God says that He ‘gives you the power to get wealth… ‘ It does not state that He gives you wealth. He empowers you to obtain it. It is interesting that in Joshua 1:8 the word ‘success’ can be interpreted this way as well: to do wisely or act out that which pertains to wisdom.