Discussion: Definitions of CultureA veritable plethora of scholarship has been devoted to attempting to define culture. The concept is complex, yet most individuals have some idea about what the term means and includes. The idea of culture is so central to so much that makes us human, that it is well worth our time to explore and unpack its meaning in some depth. We may find that our ideas about culture share much in common with others’ ideas about culture, but we may also find some nuances or emphases in some definitions that are less apparent in other definitions.For this Discussion, you will closely examine various definitions of culture and the importance it may have to the psychology community.To prepare for this Discussion:Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider various definitions of culture.By Day 4Based on your review of the Learning Resources, postyour responses to the following questions. What are some definitions of culture that researchers have utilized? What is a definition of culture that resonates with you and why? Why should psychologists be interested in understanding culture?Note: Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.