Watch the video interview Samuel Huntington expanded on Karl Jaspers’s thesis of the Axial Age to propose the…

Watch the video interview Samuel Huntington expanded on Karl Jaspers’s thesis of the Axial Age to propose the hypothesis of a ‘Clash of Civilizations’ as the model for wars and conflicts in the 21st century. According to him, the second part of the 20th century was marked by a tripartite division of the world involving the US and its allies (1st World), the Soviet Union (USSR) and its allies (2nd World), and the non-aligned countries (the 3rd World). In the 21st century, the world will be polarized according to various philosophies, religions, and cultural lines demarcated by Islam, Confucianism, Hinduism, etc. After 9/11, this hypothesis gained more plausibility.3. Answer the question:What do you think of Huntington’s thesis? Do you agree with his points? Do you think that studying philosophy will help you understand this new geo-political scenario?Please answer briefly (in up to 300 words) presenting and justifying your position.Another small assignment is to answer a question : (just need a simple paragraph or two) After reading about the pros and cons of privatizing social security (the United States), what do you see to be the main points of disagreement among those on different sides of the issue?  Do you lean one way or the other?

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