Answer the following questions in a clear and organized paragraph. Each paragraph should include a clear and…

Answer the following questions in a clear and organized paragraph.  Each paragraph should include a clear and precise thesis (1-2 sentences) that directly addresses the question prompt, at least 1 direct quote from the materials of the course, and at least 5-7 sentences or more that analyze the direct quotes and explain how the evidence supports your thesis.1.  What is the value, if any, of philosophy in our daily lives?2.  Does seeking a personal philosophy of the meaning of life – grappling with such questions as ‘How do I know that what I believe is true?’, ‘What is the difference between right and wrong?’, ‘What makes an action just?’, ‘What is beauty?’, ‘Does God exist?’, ‘What happens to us after we die?’ – make a happier life?  Why or why not?Each question is worth 25 points:Thesis (5 points): One or two sentences that directly answer the short-answer question.  This is your thesis.Quote(s) from course material (5 points): Give a least one direct quote from the course material that proves your thesis.Evidence (15 points): Analyzing the direct quote(s) and explain how the evidence supports your thesis.

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