NO PLAGARISM! We are going to be using OJJDP’s website for this project as well. Most of the information will be found in the Statistics (corrections and courts) area, but you might have to expand your detective work a bit as well.Please create a single Word file to be submitted through SafeAssign. DO NOT INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS only provide your answers to each numbered item.1. Using your own words, using OJJDP information, what is meant by “the upper age of jurisdiction”? What is the variation across the country? Before looking this up, did you know about this variation? What is the federal definition of “juvenile”?2.Who is the primary referring source of juveniles to juvenile court? What proportion does this source refer?3.Pick 6 topics from the OJJDP juvenile corrections FAQ and summarize, use you own words!4.Describe the CJRP and JFRC. Discuss three useful descriptive data points from the survey.