The AHA and the ARC are the most well know CPR certifying agencies out there, but they…

The AHA and the ARC are the most well know CPR certifying agencies out there, but they are not the same. Although they are both based off the 2005 American Heart Association guidelines, the certifications are not identical. Below we will discuss the differences between both of them.American Heart Association – The AHA CPR classes are broken down into three courses: BLS for the Healthcare Professional, Heartsaver AED, and Heartsaver CPR. If you are in the medical field, BLS is the only class for you. It is the most widely accepted course for hospitals and dentists. The Heartsaver CPR classes are for laypeople, teachers, physical therapists, babysitters, etc. AHA certifications are good for 2 years and a book must be purchased with each class.

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