1. Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize…

1. Please post the hyperlink to one federal statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes.2. Please post the hyperlink to one state statute which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that statute accomplishes.3. Please post the hyperlink to one federal case which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that case accomplishes.4. Please post the hyperlink to one state case which influences commerce on the internet and summarize in not less than 100 words what that case accomplishes.Format Requirement :-Type your responses with proper headings (see below APA format requirement) in a word document 400 word.1:-Running head (title should be left aligned).2:-Begin the body of the paper at the top margin (1′).3:-Begin the body of the paper at the left margin (1′). Headings (questions) are to remain at the left margin (not be indented). All body paragraphs should have a first line indent of one half inch.4:-Don’t insert blank lines between body paragraphs. This defeats the purpose of removing the extra spacing after all body paragraphs.5:-The reference page should begin at the top margin (1′).6:- Need at least two Cited reference7:-  Correct use of standard legal notationBook Name:-Cyberlaw: The Law of the Internet and Information Technology, 1st Ed; Craig, B.; Pearson,2013. ISBN: 978-0-13-256087-0

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