8. Art Talk – Renaissance in Quattrocento Italy, Sacrifice of Isaac (Section 1 Ends Here)Images: Filippo Brunelleschi,…

8. Art Talk – Renaissance in Quattrocento Italy, Sacrifice of Isaac (Section 1 Ends Here)Images: Filippo Brunelleschi, Sacrifice of Isaac, 1401-03, panel, gilt bronze relief and Lorenzo Ghiberti, Sacrifice of Issac, 1401-03, gilt bronze panel relief.Step 1:This Discussion is divided into 3 parts. Why were these panels commissioned? How did the artist choose to cast the image?  In other words, what is shown on the quattrofoil?  Make sure that you read both the textbook and the Instructor PDF file.  In addition, please refer to the figures by name. Using your Language of Art handout, choose and explain 1 function (on page 1) for both panels.  You may choose the same function for both panels.  Or, you can choose a different function for each panel.  Post your student comments for this question.

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